Eric is a technology consultant in academic computing and library services.
As Director of Library Information Technology, he spearheaded the Open Access repositories at the California Institute of Technology. (See Engineering and Science.) Eric became involved with NDLTD when he and the Dean of Graduate Studies, Prof. Arden Albee, started the initiative to convert paper theses to ETDs. As part of this initiative, he organized the 2001 NDLTD annual conference at Caltech (ETD 2001).
Prior to this, Eric was a Senior Research Associate in Applied Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology. He holds a computer science degree from the K. U. Leuven (Belgium) and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Courant Institute, New York University, NY. He chaired the OpenURL standardization committee, which developed the OpenURL ANSI standard. He is the author of many papers in scientific computing, library technology, and the graduate textbook “Concurrent Scientific Computing”, published by Springer-Verlag.
He currently blogs at