Peter Schirmbacher is Director of computing and media service of Humboldt-University at Berlin Since 1990. He is responsible for all processes of academic and administrative computing in the field of computer network, internet services, multimedia-applications. He is Professor for Information Management at the Berlin School of Library and Information science of Humboldt-University and a Leader of a lot of projects in cooperation between the Berlin School of Library and information science, the university library and the computer and media service to develop a modern infrastructure for scholarly community and the students. The main activities are in the field of electronic publishing and digital repositories. He is one of the founders of the German Initiative for Networked Information (called DINI) an organisation for scholarly libraries, computing centres and media centres and a member in a couple of boards in national and international organisations such as:
- Networked digital Library for Theses and Dissertations
- German Initiative for Networked Information (DINI)
- German Academic Network (DFN)
- Advisory board for centre of bibliometrics