Sara Gould is the British Library’s Service Manager for EThOS, the UK’s national ETheses Online Service. Sara was appointed into this role in 2011 to work with UK universities to transition EThOS from an early British Library thesis “digitisation and supply” service to become a sustainable shared service between UK Higher Education and the British Library. With EThOS playing a key role in the UK Higher Education repository network and providing access to 100,000 full text open access theses and a further 200,000 paper theses available for digitisation on demand, the service became a permanent core element of the British Library’s services to researchers in 2013.
Sara is part of the British Library’s Higher Education engagement team, and previously managed a variety of projects in HE developments, document supply and international library co-operation. A qualified librarian, Sara’s work involves a combination of operational delivery and continuous improvement of the EThOS service, collaborative activities with UK universities to ensure the requirements of the Higher Education community are being met, and wider strategic engagement with research funders, open access initiatives and UK doctoral researchers.
Positions: Member of the Partner Board for DART-Europe. Member of the Programme Board for ETD 2014, Leicester.