June 11, 1998 | University of Tennessee Health Science Center | Memphis, Tennessee | |
May 16, 1999 | Virginia Tech | Blacksburg, Virginia | |
March 16, 2000 | University of South Florida | St. Petersburg, Florida | |
March 22, 2001 | California Institute of Technology | Pasadena, California | |
May 30, 2002 | Brigham Young University | Provo, Utah | |
May 21, 2003 | Humboldt University | Berlin, Germany | |
June 3, 2004 | University of Kentucky | Lexington, Kentucky | |
September 28, 2005 | University of New South Wales | Sydney, Australia | |
June 7, 2006 | University of Quebec | Quebec, Canada | |
June 13, 2007 | Uppsala University | Uppsala, Sweden | |
June 4, 2008 | The Robert Gordon University | Aberdeen, Scotland | |
June 10, 2009 | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | |
June 16, 2010 | University of Texas at Austin | Austin, Texas | |
September 13, 2011 | University of Cape Town | Cape Town, South Africa | http://dl.cs.uct.ac.za/conferences/etd2011/proceedings.html |
September 12, 2012 | Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) and Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos | Lima, Peru | |
September 23, 2013 | The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong, China | |
July 23, 2014 | University of Leicester | Leicester, United Kingdom | |
November 4, 2015 | Jawaharlal Nehru University | New Delhi, Delhi, India | |
July 11, 2016 | University of Lille | Lille, France | http://hal.univ-lille3.fr/ETD2016/ |
August 7, 2017 | George Mason University, Washington Research Library Consortium, and USETDA | Washington, DC | https://www.ocs.usetda.org/index.php/NDLTD/ETD2017/schedConf/presentations |
September 26, 2018 | National Library of Taiwan | Taipei, Taiwan | |
November 6, 2019 | Universidade Portucalense, Portugal | Porto, Portugal | |
November 16, 2020 | United Arab Emirates University | Al Ain, United Arab Emirates | |
November 15, 2021 | United Arab Emirates University | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | |
September 7, 2022 | University of Novi Sad | Novi Sad, Serbia | https://zenodo.org/communities/etd2022 |
October 26, 2023 | INFLIBNET Centre | Gujarat, India | https://ir.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/1944/2403 |
November 4, 2024 | University of Zambia | Livingstone, Zambia | https://etd2024.unza.zm/ |