Conference Committee

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The Conference Committee is responsible for inviting the international university community to submit bids to host the annual symposia, evaluating the proposals received and making recommendations to the NDLTD Board as to which proposal to accept.

If you are interested in organizing an ETD symposium, please contact the Conference Committee Chair, Ramesh C. Gaur at

The Mission and Charge Statement of the NDLTD Conference Standing Committee (.doc file)


The NDLTD Conference Standing Committee freely provides strategic guidance for conference planning in order to assure continuity at the ETD Annual Conferences and to best serve the needs of the international NDLTD membership. The Conference Standing Committee provides full support and help to Local Organizing Committees of symposia. Neither the Chair nor members of the Committee receive any remuneration for this.

Charge Statement

The Conference Standing Committee addresses those issues related to the ETD annual conferences including:

  1. Developing strategic plans and presenting these recommendations to the Board for discussion to assure that conferences are designed to serve the needs of the membership including, but not limited to, location of host sites and range of programs. The Conference Standing Committee is presumed to be acting in an advisory capacity.
  2. Facilitating international collaboration to improve the knowledge transfer between past, present and future ETD conference teams and attendees and both experienced and emerging members of the NDLTD.
  3. Identifying prospective conference sites and making recommendations about these sites to the Board.
  4. Identifying prospective conference dates and making recommendations about these dates to the Board.
  5. Providing information and guidance to local conference organizing committees about funding. It should be noted that the NDLTD does not provide funding for annual conferences over and above the funding provided for the Awards program and for the Travel Grant program (for scholarships).
  6. Any profit resulting from an annual ETD Symposium will be shared equally between the NDLTD and the Local Organizing Committee/Host Institution. The Local Organizing Committee/Host Institution may also choose to donate it entirely to the NDLTD. Since the NDLTD relies on membership dues for most of its income any profit coming to it as the result of a conference is a significant benefit that enables it to fund more activities to promote ETDs.
  7. Working with the Membership Committee to coordinate recommendations regarding membership benefits (as related to conference attendance) and models for conference funding from membership dues. If the conference runs into a deficit, the NDLTD will reimburse to the Local Organizing Committee the sum of all discounts given to NDLTD members or the amount of the deficit, whichever amount is less.
  8. Collecting information and materials for organizing conferences and making them available in the document on How to Plan an ETD Symposium on the NDLTD website.
  9. Working with conference hosts to assist with program planning to help ensure that membership needs are addressed.
  10. Providing conference hosts with a source of information for potential attendees and past conference information.
  11. Ensuring the transfer of conference proceedings to the NDLTD website.
  12. Encouraging and providing support for regional conferences.

Related conference planning documents

How to Plan an ETD Symposium (.pdf file) 

ETD Conference Planning Checklist (.doc file)

NDLTD Travel Support Guidelines (.doc file)

Bid to Host an ETD Conference (.doc file)

Iryna Kuchma 
ChairRamesh C. Gaur 
Joachim Schöpfel 
Nabi Hasan 
Dragan Ivanovic 

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